Zejia (Harry) Chen
Corporate Strategy @ Humana, BS in Quantitative Science from Emory University
(as of August 2023)
Welcome! I am a strategy consultant, healthcare specialist, and data/computer science enthusiast with a deep understanding of enterprise strategic planning, US payor & provider operation, and data analytics.
I recently received my BS degree in Quantitative Science from Emory University double majored in Film & Media Study, and currently work as a Corporate Strategy Analyst at Humana, where I partner with senior leaders across various LOBs to chart the course of the company’s key strategic initiatives.
As a fashion connoisseur, I helped create Divine Mercy, an accessible streetwear brand that aims to bring Western street culture to China. I also buy, sell and trade vintage and archival designer clothes every now and then.
Interests & Writing
Outside of work, I enjoy sports (tennis, boxing, hiking, snowboarding), traveling, reading, and film photography.
Being a Cinéphilie, I love to watch, analyze, and comment on movies and TV series. Some of my favorite film eras are: Classic Hollywood, New Waves, and Italian Neorealism. Feel free to check out my my blog where I share my ideas and point of view on certain movies.
I also have a keen interest in machine/statistical learning and its application to finance and healthcare. You can view some of the thoughts and notes I have jotted down as my learning journey continues.
May 9, 2022 | Officially graduated from college |